Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Diet Day 6 Back on track!

A much better day. Great weight loss today. Linda say the diet only blog is getting boring; so I've included a recipe today. Its for the lamb stew we had for dinner, one of my favorites.

The weigh in: 195 pounds, 13 stone 13 pounds, 88.6 kilograms.

Weight lost: 1.4 pounds, N/A, 1.1 kilogram.

Cumulative weight loss: 6.8 pounds, 1/2 stone, 3.1 kilo.

What did I do? Took a relatively short walk with Rupert then went to market at Caylus to get fresh vegetables and olive oil. Most of the rest of the day was on the computer making booking for our Holiday trip to England, fixing a problem on a friend's website and starting a new website for another friend. Then I did some cooking, nothing fancy.

What did you eat? Lunch was simple. White bean soup that Linda had made with cheese & pate on Swedish crisp bread. Dinner is going to be (its simmering away as I type this) Lamb stew with lentils accompanied by Brussels sprouts. What follows is the Lamb stew recipe.

Ingredients: Lamb bits ( can be neck, breast, belly, but in any case cheap cuts. Here I buy poitrine which is belly. Its cheap, has lots of flavor and is easy to work with.
Mirepoix ( carrots, onion & celery chopped medium fine in this case.
Green lentils
Garlic (roughly chopped)
Stock (lamb, beef, vegetable whichever you prefer)
Tomato puree
Red wine.
Fat ( for browning the lamb - I use duck fat, but olive oil works as well.)


  1. chop up the lamb into easily handled pieces.
  2. Brown the lamb throughly in the fat using a deep pot.
  3. Lower the heat & add the mirepoix & garlic. stir well.
  4. Let the mirepoix sweat for about 10 minutes.
  5. Add the lentils.
  6. Add the stock until everything is almost covered.
  7. Add the tomato puree.
  8. Add enough red wine so that everything is just covered.
  9. Simmer partly covered for roughly 1 1/2 hours stirring occasionally (until the lentils are soft.)
  10. Check seasoning. Check liquid level (adding or reducing as necessary)
  11. Serve with vegetables.
This stew is very simple, but absolutely delicious. It doesn't look great, but don't be fooled. And it fits my diet!

I'm really encouraged. Can't wait to see how this continues. The rate of loss is bound to slow up.

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